Mila Grün 2K

9 months ago

Lauterbach wirft Bayerns Politikern Heuchelei vor

Since the legalization of cannabis in Germany, the politicians of the CSU have been doing everything in their power to make it as difficult as possible for consumers in Bavaria. With their prohibition policy and double standards, they ultimately embarrass themselves in front of the entire Federal Republic. Health Minister Karl Lauterbach also publicly accuses the Bavarians of hypocrisy.

75 years of democracy in Germany - also in Bavaria!

Health Minister Karl Lauterbach criticizes the prohibition attempts in Bavaria and accuses the CSU-led state government of hypocrisy. He complains that laws are not being obeyed, which even the Bavarians cannot afford. At the Democracy Festival, in honor of the Basic Law in Germany that has been in place for 75 years, the Health Minister also said:

"Secondly, speaking of hypocrisy. When people use beer mugs this size and are so drunk that they can no longer find their way to the bathroom on their own, then the drunk lie in the dirt, if you will, then one more joint would not matter from my point of view".

Lauterbach received applause for this statement. At the festival, he and Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, answered questions about cannabis.

No taxes on cannabis products

Lauterbach emphasizes that unlike alcohol, no taxes are levied on cannabis. Cannabis will not be freely available in stores like cigarettes or alcohol. Instead, cooperative models are used, where cannabis is grown for private use only and no profits are made.

The prohibition policy of the Bavarian politicians

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