Mila Grün 2K

6 months ago

CSU will "Kiffer-Nation Europas" vermeiden

The CSU is once again going all out to clarify what they think of the planned legalization and cannabis consumers. Therefore, the SOCIAL Christian Party is pushing for the introduction of a nationwide wastewater monitoring to monitor behavior regarding cannabis consumption after the planned legalization.

Control, control, and nothing but control

Klaus Holetschek, the CSU's parliamentary group leader in the Bavarian parliament, stressed to Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland (RND), that increased controls were necessary, to prevent Germany from becoming Europe's stoner nation. He pointed out that in the past, increased drug use in European cities had already been proven through wastewater analysis and that wastewater monitoring in Germany was already well established.

The aim of wastewater monitoring is to recognize changes in consumption behavior after legalization. Holetschek criticized the Bundestag's decision for legalization, calling it "wrong and dangerous". He warned of possible negative effects, such as an increase in emotional and psychotic disorders, especially among young people, as the brain continues to mature until the age of 25, and cannabis consumption could cause permanent damage.

Automatically translated by GTP-4 (See original)

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