Jochen T. Cannabis Clubs

a year ago

Marginale Anpassungen im Cannabisgesetz Deutschland

In Germany, 16,000 associations would have to be created to ensure legal full supply!

Unfortunately, the changes made are quite marginal.

How this is now to be practically implemented and moreover can be kept below the black market price is not clear, the lawmakers are going from 10 courses, but currently for me that seems to be more like 4.50 per KG, as chronic consumers buy in quantity and therefore often get better rates as they are 'good customers' and dealers want to keep these customers. Our association wants to stay below 5 Euro to not miss the aim of the foundation of the association. To weaken the black market.

"The decriminalization regulations are to take effect from April 1, 2024, but the regulations for new cultivation associations, where members can purchase cannabis, are not to come into force until July 2024. The draft for the health committee with explanations is presented to the LTO and can be downloaded here.

1st July is too late for the outdoor season, thus sustainable production conditions rather fall through! Therefore, only indoor seems plausible if there are no further delays, and nearly one year later there will be elections again.

At the elections, the CDU will surely know how to play its trump card with the existing media contacts(Springer etc.) +AI/Microtargeting in social networks as well as Markus Söder on the supervisory board of public broadcasting.

It seems that additionally the driving license regulation is to be delayed by months in order to continue allowing TÜV + Dekra to use their MPU construct for quasi-money printing. Normally, the limit value commission advises here at the traffic court day Goslar, but this time a working group was specially founded for value determination. When results from them are to be expected would be interesting to know as well as the personnel appointment? Who knows something about this?

Legalisation is somehow the wrong term for what the governments here are rather trying to optimise.

In the end, especially the US oil industry historically has a problem with hemp, after all it displaced hemp oil from the market, the industrial conglomerate DuPont(Nylon) especially, so Harry Anslinger, the son-in-law, was involved with Du Pont.


How powerful this industry is, can be seen well on the boycott of the climate movement and the relation/lobbyists to delegates of the UN Climate Conference in the 3rd largest Opec member Qatar.

The question now is:

Where do you see the remaining problems in collective cultivation in an association?

The following was primarily changed to the October draft:

-Distance rule now only 100 metres formerly 200 metres

-Minimum membership now 3 months instead of 2 months (Better planning security?)

-Penalty for private cultivation was changed and the possession limit raised to 50 grams(Dry flower)

The liability for executive boards with private assets in the case of non-profitability proves to be a problem, as no insurance known to us so far offers a Directions+Office insurance in the sector growing clubs. If anyone knows one, please name it.

Automatically translated by GTP-4 (See original)

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