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Karin Grunewald


Cannabispatientin, ACM-zertifizierte Beraterin für Cannabinoidhaltige Medikamente, ausgebildete Köchin a.D. , Hanfaktivistin und Künstlerin. Unser kleines Unternehmen ist noch im Aufbau. Was ich kann? Malen, Modellieren und Textilien in kleiner Stückzahl bedrucken.

What is GreenVend?

GreenVend is a social network exclusively for the cannabis industry. We aim to create a platform to easily and freely bring together professional exchange and the sharing of knowledge in one industry-specific place.


Gain access to a collective network of industry professionals.


Invite your network and benefit from the network of other members.


Ask questions to competent members and share your expertise.

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Present your product or service and find the right partner for your next project.

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